Captain’s Log

Command Day ended this morning after the YC successfully sailed the ship to an anchorage - and they made the passage here totally without the use of engines. Well done, team. Only a couple of tacks were required overnight, so we weren't feeling all that...

Command Day ended this morning after the YC successfully sailed the ship to an anchorage - and they made the passage here totally without the use of engines. Well done, team. Only a couple of tacks were required overnight, so we weren't feeling all that...

After I handed Command of Young Endeavour to Patrick, 23, of Queanbeyan and Voyage 17/00, the YC decided to make haste and we sailed from the anchorage in record time. Soon we left The Nut far behind and were up to 6 knots on our...

After a wind swept evening where a strong nor'easter helped us move to our destination, we woke up to see a monolith, similar to Uluru, looming on the horizon. The winds abated in the forenoon watch as we conducted setting and furling drills where the...

After the howling winds of yesterday, the winds abated overnight and by this morning we were becalmed on a painted ocean. I gave a presentation on sailing theory in the morning and then all the Youth Crew took turns to be on the bridge to...

After three way talks last night some of the Youth Crew did a spot of fishing at anchor. Apart from a seal scaring away all the fish, not too much happened. Early this morning we all went ashore and climbed a peak overlooking the bay...

Overnight we motor-sailed towards the most southern part of the Australian mainland. During this glorious day a fresh wind rose from the south enabling us to set all squares and do some real sailing on some flat seas and with 25 knots of breeze with...

The expected weather front only amounted to about 20 knots and it brought heaps of rain as we entered Bass Strait last night. Today the pace was easier after the hectic pace of yesterday. The Youth Crew are catching up on some sleep and are...

Today went really well. The Youth Crew seem to have acclimatised to the motion of the ship and although the sea is a little rough there are not too many cases of fish feeding - but the dolphins are still following us just in case.When...

Hi everyone. Most of our Youth Crew joined last night and spent today (before we sailed) looking over the replica HM Bark Endeavour, visiting Old Tom at the Eden Killer Whale Museum and going to the beach - a great way to start off...

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