2025 circumnavigation VOYAGEs
Aged 16-23 and ready to set sail on a new adventure?
Apply now
Aged 16-23 and ready to set sail on a new adventure?
Apply now
Young Endeavour is a challenge, an adventure, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience. A journey of learning about yourself and others, and what you can achieve together.
Georgia V01/20
Young Endeavour has taught me more about relationships, perserverance and myself than I ever expected it to. This is the best thing I've done for myself.
Caitlin 05/20
I loved my time in Young Endeavour and would do it again in a heartbeat. I have learnt so many life skills, met amazing people and have made many cherished memories.
Elllorie V02/20
I haven't felt this happy in a long time. No stress, nothing weighing me down, just wholehearted fun and adventure, with amazing people.
Katrina, V02/20
Nothing can quite prepare you for the rush of the salty wind running through your hair as the ocean spray comes across the bow.
Jack, V03/21
The voyage exceeded my expectations and was more rewarding than I could have ever anticipated.
Soloman V03/21
This is something I'll tell my grandkids about when I'm 80 years old, sign up again & again until you get a berth, its absolutely incredible.
Bailey V04/21
When Young Endeavour says that this is an adventure of a lifetime, they are barely touching the surface. The YEYS is by far the most transformational experience you will have.
Em V01/21
I certainly think this experience changed my life. Just the words of encouragement I’ve gotten from people, the conversations I’ve had, what I’ve achieved, it just makes me feel so much more capable and confident.
Heather V10/18
Everyone who was on my voyage learnt a lot about their own limits and skills while aboard. At the end of the voyage you look back and think “I can do anything.
Nathan V03/17
The Young Endeavour program is designed especially for youth. Join 24 young Australians from around the country for an amazing adventure at sea.
Explore spectacular parts of Australia and some hidden gems in our many national and marine parks. Learn to sail a tall ship, swim in the ocean and even spot a dolphin or two!
Looking for a new challenge? Chart a course, set and furl the sails, and climb the 30m mast… all while building skills in leadership, communication and teamwork.
Our specially trained Royal Australian Navy staff crew will teach you everything you need to know to sail Young Endeavour to your destination.