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Our History

STS Young Endeavour is a brigantine rigged tall ship, purpose built for sail training as a bicentenary gift from the Government and the people of the United Kingdom to the people of Australia.



Construction began in May 1986 in Lowestoft, England and on 3 August, 1987 the ship began the voyage to Australia with a crew of 12 young people from Great Britain and 12 young Australians. The official handover ceremony took place on 25 January, 1988 in the presence of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales in Farm Cove, Sydney Harbour.



On accepting the ship, the Prime Minister of Australia proclaimed that Young Endeavour would be used for the ‘benefit of the young people of Australia’. For a land girt by sea, the ship was a reminder of the maritime heritage shared by the two countries.



As Australia’s sail training flagship, Young Endeavour participates in major events in Australia and around the world. Thousands of young Australians have embarked on our youth development voyages and a similar number of young people with disability have joined our community day sails.

Operations and Administration

The Government decided that Young Endeavour would be operated and maintained by the Royal Australian Navy as a non-commissioned vessel. The Young Endeavour youth development program continues to be delivered by a specially trained Royal Australian Navy staff crew during each Young Endeavour voyage.



The Young Endeavour Youth Scheme was established to develop and administer the Young Endeavour youth development program, guided by an Advisory Board appointed by and responsible to the Minister for Defence. The Young Endeavour Youth Scheme is managed by a dedicated team of civilian and Navy reserve staff, based in the ship’s homeport of Sydney.


As Australia’s sail training flagship, Young Endeavour participates in major events in Australia and around the world. Thousands of young Australians have embarked on our youth development voyages and a similar number of young people with disability have joined our community day sails.


Young Endeavour embarked on her maiden voyage to Australia with a crew of twelve young people from Britain and twelve young Australians, and a British and Australian staff crew


Young Endeavour was handed over to the people of Australia and commenced service delivering youth development voyages for young Australians


Young Endeavour made her first international voyage since her delivery from England to take part in New Zealand's Sesquicentennial celebrations and the opening of the Commonwealth Games


Young Endeavour completed a circumnavigation of the world, representing Australia at celebrations in Europe and America commemorating the 500th Anniversary of Columbus' Voyage of Discovery to the New World


Young Endeavour circumnavigated Australia and represented the nation in celebrations to mark Indonesia's 50th anniversary of Independence


Young Endeavour participated in Tall Ships 1998, marking the Bicentenary of Bass and Flinders' circumnavigation of Tasmania


Young Endeavour visited New Zealand where she arranged a rendezvous with the HMB Endeavour replica in Cook Strait


Young Endeavour undertook the historic Centenary Circumnavigation to celebrate the Centenary of Federation


Young Endeavour participated in celebrations commemorating the Centenary of Flinders’ explorations in South Australia and Queensland


Young Endeavour celebrated her 15th Anniversary and won the Australia Day Tall Ships Race on Sydney Harbour


Young Endeavour took part in Auckland’s first Festival of the Sail and passed the Baton in the Commonwealth Games Queen's Baton relay in New Zealand


Young Endeavour featured in the Tall Ship's Program as part of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum of international leaders held in Sydney


Young Endeavour celebrated her 20th Anniversary and embarking around 10,000 youth crew alumni members


Young Endeavour completed a circumnavigation of Australia, embarking more than 700 young Australians for voyages and day sails around the country


Young Endeavour was part of the Tall Ship Festivals 2013 in Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney and Auckland, as well as the Royal Australian Navy’s International Fleet Review. She was then a race entrant in the first ever Sail Training International Tall Ship race from Sydney to New Zealand


Young Endeavour sailed around the world once more. She commemorated the Centenary of ANZAC off the shores of Gallipoli then sailed onwards to Europe for the Tall Ship Races 2015


Young Endeavour completed a circumnavigation of Australia, participating in commemorations marking 400 years since the landing of Dirk Hartog at Shark Bay, Western Australia


Young Endeavour celebrated her 30th Anniversary and won the Australia Day Tall Ships Race on Sydney Harbour

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A Day at Sea

Find out what to expect during a day at sea in Young Endeavour.

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Young Endeavour Staff Crew LEUT Evan Healy 2048 x 1365 Website Image


Join Lieutenant Evan Healy – ship’s navigator – for a video tour of Young Endeavour.

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Upcoming Voyages

See the upcoming program of youth development voyages.

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captain's log

v06/19 newcastle to brisbane

may 06 2021

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