Seals Scaring Fish

After three way talks last night some of the Youth Crew did a spot of fishing at anchor. Apart from a seal scaring away all the fish, not too much happened. Early this morning we all went ashore and climbed a peak overlooking the bay in which the ship was anchored. A great sight and well worth the climb. We sailed from the anchorage after lunch and made great speed south into the offing. Overall we had a great time in this Bay and were sad to leave it behind. From here we may spend the next two days beating south towards the north west coast of Tasmania.Youth Crew entry by Matt Sullivan-Kilgour: When I was preparing to go on this voyage, I was told by a lot of people what it was going to be like and what they thought of it, but I realized when I came on that the experience was completely unique, unlike anything I had anticipated. It’s been so much more amazing than any prior contemplation could gain, there are many aspects to life on a sailing ship that I didn’t even realize. The crew are fantastic, awe-inspiring in their energy and enthusiasm, all exceptionally easy to get along with. They really do add a great depth to the voyage. The rest of the youth crew are great, and it’s really good to see the sweep of backgrounds and lifestyles. One of the best things I’ve found is how you can learn what it is like to live and work on an actual sailing ship (including the 12-4am watches), and I think I can safely say that I’m hooked for life.Speak tomorrowAndrew Davis
Current situation at 1800. Sailing south across Bass Strait. Wind sou'west at 25-30 knots. Temp 17C. Clear and windy.
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