Captain’s Log

Young Endeavour is back. After a very successful maintenance period, the ship is up and running again, looking spic and span and has got that new car smell. We have made heaps of improvements to the ship, the most noticeable being the replacement of...

For our final day the weather started off foggy and cold. All the Youth Crew were rugged up in wet weather gear and laid aloft to man the yards for the arrival home. After anchor was weighed Young Endeavour made her way up the harbour....

The Command Day finished at 0800 this morning when Tom Strong, Nigel Thembrow and David Boon guided the ship through Sydney Heads and to anchor in Rose Bay. Overnight the wind picked up slightly and helped the passage north. Phew - was the collective sigh...

After a night at anchor where much discussion was held about plans for Command Day, I handed Command of Young Endeavour to Emma-Jane Ford, 23, of Bellingen, NSW and Youth Crew 15A/00 at a ceremony at morning brief. The Youth Crew were keen to get...

After a peaceful night at anchor in the serene surroundings of Jervis Bay, we rose early for morning exercise - we also went for a swim. At 0830 we departed JB and sailed north all day arriving here a few moments ago. We had great...

Well we certainly have experienced all types of sailing conditions this Voyage. The Youth Crew had a taste of some very strong winds overnight. When we chatted last, we were sailing nicely with following winds, but they strengthened and by midnight, we were sailing in...

The Youth Crew were in an excellent mood when we cast off lines and sailed from our overnight berth in Hunter's Bay. Perhaps it was the Olympics or perhaps it was just watching Eddie the Engineer take the ship away from the berth...

Early this morning Red Watch weighed the anchor and got the ship underway. We departed Broken Bay whilst it was still dark and the rest of the crew slept. We wanted to make an early start so that we would not miss the watching the...

Last night we sailed down the central coast with following winds. The Youth Crew are starting to take on a real feel for the ship and making every moment count. After the seasickness of the past two days it is great to see more and...

Overnight we sailed north east to Port Stephens and arrived there as the wind started to ease. A huge southerly swell is making life interesting onboard as there is not too much wind around to keep us leaning in one direction. The Youth Crew are...

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