It’s All About Looking Good
For our final day the weather started off foggy and cold. All the Youth Crew were rugged up in wet weather gear and laid aloft to man the yards for the arrival home. After anchor was weighed Young Endeavour made her way up the harbour. On this special day I treated the Youth Crew to a harbour tour prior to our arrival. We went past the Opera House and under the Harbour Bridge and down into Darling Harbour to check out the other Tall Ships, Cruise Liners and generally show off our magnificent ship – after all, it’s all about looking good and we certainly do just that.We returned to Garden Island and Damo the navigator brought the ship alongside. The Youth Crew sang the Anthem and we were greeted by lots of family and friends. At the ceremony soon after I congratulated all the Youth Crew on a job well done and presented each with their Voyage Certificates. I also had the pleasure of awarding the Order of Australia Association Medallion to Caron Taylor of Newcastle, who put so much effort into her voyage and exemplified the Young Endeavour spirit so well. Well done, Caron, you thoroughly earned this award and all the Staff crew join with me in congratulating you. Sorry about losing your hat…This will be the last Captain’s Log for seven weeks – the ship goes into a maintenance period at Noakes Boatyard in Sydney Harbour, where much needed work will be carried out. In particular replacement of the aft teak deck, where too much fish feeding has occurred and general painting and mechanical maintenance to get the ship back to tip top form.Our next Voyage commences 13 Nov 00 (my 27th birthday) and we journey from Sydney to Eden. We will keep you posted on how the maintenance period goes with regular updates – stay tuned….CARPE DIEM and keep smiling – grinners are winnersAndrew Davis
Current situation at 1100: Alongside West Wall, Garden Island, Sydney. Another Beautiful Sydney Olympic day.