February 2002

Current situation at 1100: Our Voyage is now complete and sadly the YC are clambering up the gangway and walking down the wharf arm-in-arm.Initially it was quite a rough trip, the Southern Ocean gave our tummies plenty to contemplate. I know the YC will...

Current situation at 1800: Bright and early we rose for one of those wake up games that really get the muscles moving and the voice box hoarse. We got the ship clean and ready for our half day sail and went alongside themain wharf...

Current situation at 1800: Today the YC completed their Command Day mission and sailed into port. They thought their mission was unachievable without the right wind but they held on and managed to sail all the way to theanchorage.After the BAT scored 63 in...

Current situation at 1800: Last night the YC spent the evening planning, preparing and dreaming about their Command Day. I handed Command of this fine ship to Shane Murray, 22, of Sydney at 1000 and they started to get underway. Lots of head scratching...

Current situation at 1800Last night we waved 'bye to Tumby Bay and sailed around Spencer Gulf throughout the night. This morning heralded the start of a beautiful day, clear skies, azure seas and dolphins. I talked with the YC about Command Day and...

Current situation at 1800: Last night we spent at sea with the YC undergoing their much awaited teamwork activity that went quite well. We sailed north overnight and at wakey wakey this morning we tacked and headedwest to the jewel of the Gulf, Tumby Bay....

After a restful night at anchor we had a great day today. First thing we headed to the beach to play some sport and look around, the sand and the beach was so white and fluffy it was like flour. Back on board for lunch...

Current situation at 1900: The southern ocean sure must have some big storms in it judging by some of the swells we saw today. They were at least 12 metres high and we just rode over the top of them. The YC...

Current situation at 1800: The YC's spirits rose considerably today as they started to recover from a big night of tacking and some rough seas that made a few more rush to the rail. A pretty easy day was had as we haven't had much...

Current situation at 1800: A hot northerly wind from inland Australia blew over us for much of the day and then suddenly stopped. The sun then took over and shined down on us relentlessly as the YC learned all about the many lines on...

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