Frosty Power!
Current situation at 1800: Bright and early we rose for one of those wake up games that really get the muscles moving and the voice box hoarse. We got the ship clean and ready for our half day sail and went alongside themain wharf in Port Lincoln.Our guests were about 20 children from the Port Lincoln Special School and the YC played excellent hosts for them – playing being theoperative word… With a strong breeze blowing we set sails and hada ball with the young children. They were so excited to be sailing on a Tall Ship and I was impressed at how friendly, caring andresponsible the YC were to them. They left shortly after 1PM and we sailed from the wharf and returned to our cosy anchorage to spend thelast night of the Voyage.We’ve got some important things to do tonight before we finish our journey at the Main Wharf at 10 AM Thursday. See you there, if you can make it.Youth Crew entry by Phil Henderson, 18, Canberra ACT:Today started early for us when we were woken to an early wake up call to be up on deck and join in follow the leader followed by a ratherlarge game of ‘HA SO CO’.( It’s kind of hard to explain) It’s one of the staffs’ creative games. We then went on a half day trip to givePort Lincoln Special School a thrill, and it was great to see a big smile on their lively faces. I think we all feel like we’ve made a big difference in their day or even their life. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time on Young Endeavour, it’s everything I wanted it to be and more.The staff have made this trip as enjoyable as it has been. Their fun and mostly loopy aproach to doing things always gets a smile from everyone. Hi to everyone in Canberra and sorry Mum, I normally miss your cooking when I go away but not this time. Over and out. Phil.Corinne Leale, 23, Smithton Tasmania:Hi guys at home. Well it’s the last night, soon to return home. The voyage has been fantastic, with the crew keeping the spirits high attimes of great need. Nic is cool as is Lyse. After a hectic day yesterday commanding the ship, today has been great with the half daysail and final round of rope rouses. All the youth crew seem satisfied with achieving goals set. From team work, to climbing aloft, to being without modern day conveniences. A goal achieved by myself was 2,6 heaving of the top sail, about 22 metres in the air, fantastic effort. I will take many skills and memories back with meas well as great friendship and the feeling of being part of a great team (frosty power). Well I hope you are all ‘happy with dat'(Dutchy….u legend, luv the frosties) See you soonKerryn Barnes, 18, Melbourne, Vic:I don’t know whether to be happy or sad – it’s our last night on board the Young Endeavour!Come tomorrow there will be no more guts watches (12 – 4 am) sitting on the bridge shivering violently, envying the YC in other watches peacefully asleep in their warm sleeping bags, no more dreaded ‘HANDS TO TACKING STATIONS, HANDS TO TACKING STATIONS’ cruelly interrupting our very limited and highly sought after sleep, and no more horrible wakey – wakey tunes like ‘She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy’ and ‘Mulligrubs’ at 6.30am. Yet, the friends I’ve made, the experiences I’ve had, the things I’ve learned and the goals I have achieved have easily made all that worth while. And, truthfully, the lack of sleep can make jokes so much more funny! I can’t remember laughing so much in my whole life. I’m going to miss this for sure and given half the chance I’d do it all again, even if it meant guts watch every night.FROSTY POWERStay tuned,Andrew Davis
At anchor Boston Bay, Port Lincoln.Wind easterly at 12 knots, temp 23C.