In Search of Crow Eating Tuna
Current situation at 1800: Last night the YC spent the evening planning, preparing and dreaming about their Command Day. I handed Command of this fine ship to Shane Murray, 22, of Sydney at 1000 and they started to get underway. Lots of head scratching later and we finally got going.The light and flukey winds defied all attempts to get the ship pointed in the direction they needed. Later, a sea breeze emerged and by late afternoon YE was sailing nicely along, heading out in to the deep blue (or deep azure).They are working well as a team and the plan seems to be going as scheduled. They are headed out in search of the little known and rarely seen, South Australian Crow Eating Tuna. We’ll get to the last known location of this fish this evening, when hopefully we’ll bring one on board and then return to Port Lincoln with our catch by 1000 Tuesday.Peter Trewin, 18, of Sydney:Hi Mum, Dad, Ben, Aunty Susan and Uncle Barry. As you have probably figured out today is Command Day. I got voted as a Watch Officer whose job is to take over the running of the ship on the Captains behalf when he is not present on the bridge.Anyway I am having a ball here. Missing you guys and I suppose I’ll see you in a few days. P.S. Say hi to Rex and Blossom for me.Prue Rees-Lee, 19, Melbourne:Hi Mum, Dad, Tom and Alice, You would love my job for Command Day, a member of the Beach Attack Team or BAT. When we get into Port Lincoln tomorrow morning I, with threeothers, get to row a boat into the mainland and try to get as many people as we can to sing the national anthem with us while claiming the land for the youth of Australia on behalf of the Young Endeavour. I didn’t get sea sick and look forward to seeing you all soon.Bridget Taylor, 19, Brisbane:Hi to everyone, hope everything out there is good. Today is our youth crew Command Day and everything seems to be going well. I too, am a watch officer and trying hard to keep track of where exactly we are on the map – easier said than done for me but certainly not impossible. Last night we me met with a staff member whose role we were taking over to try and take as muchof their knowledge as possible. The whole process resembled last minute exam cramming, especially this morning when it came to actually recalling it. But slowly we have gained speed and direction.Will Catch up with you soon.Stay tuned,Andrew Davis
Command Day. At sea somewhere in Spencer Gulf. Wind light and variable. Temp 23C.