September 2001

Last night we spent a little time getting to know all of the crew by introducing someone else to the group. We then spent the night in Guichen Bay and awoke to a gorgeous sunrise. After a few hours ashore in Robe we returned onboard,...

After a few days at sea we arrived about an hour ago here in the anchorage off Robe. All being well we will remain here overnight and head ashore tomorrow for a few hours. Today was busy with lots of setting and furling of sails...

We awoke in the vicinity of Kangaroo Island after our first night at sea and were met by a small pod of dolphins that stayed with us and played in the bow-wave for most of the forenoon. We stopped for a swim after the wind...

Greetings all and apologies to anyone who spotted the Spencer Gulf mistake in last night's entry. Today has been a big day of learning about safety onboard, line handling and sail setting. We have now learnt how to tack the ship, which takes all of...

Our new youth crew joined us this afternoon and soon after we headed down the river toward the Spencer Gulf. We will spend tonight in the anchorage here, with the lights of Adelaide as our backdrop. Tomorrow we will head off into the gulf and...

Our night at anchor was perfect. The sunset was awesome and the concert was well prepared and hilarious.At 0630 hours this morning to the accompaniment of some great music everyone was up for the great tradition of 'rust scrub' ��� a great way to...

Command Day completed this morning after an the YC sailed the ship up from Kangaroo Island and at the stroke of 0630 hours this morning anchored the ship in her allotted anchorage. They did a great job and after a voyage with lots of...

After all the wind we've had during the Voyage, we got very little of it today. Last night the YC prepared themselves for the offing and early this morning I handed Command of the ship to Tim and YC of Voyage 14/01. They sailed the...

Happy Fathers Day! We made landfall today. For the first time in 6 days we were alerted by the call from the mast top 'land ahoy' and laid our eyes on Kangaroo Island. Nothing like precision navigation is there? Like I promised today was...

Overnight the wind abated a little and our huge swells reduced in size to about 4 metres. Tomorrow is our seventh day at sea and we've got a busy day ahead before we reach KI on Monday morning.Today was a busy one with lots of...

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