September 2001

Today's CO's log is by acting Captain Woody, yes I have had the honour and privilege of taking care of the ship and her crew for the day. It was announced last night after 3 way talks, by Captain Andrew that at 0630 today I...

Last night the wind tapered off and left us motor-sailing toward Eden. As we made our approach this morning it rose from the north we alongside the wharf and ready to go ashore after five days onboard.Old Tom at the Eden Killer Whale Museum was...

Today was great! The sun shone and with a following breeze we ran east under full sail for most of the day. Mid afternoon Damo, the swimmer, jumped overboard to rescue a life-ring during a man overboard drill. We were going to stop...

Big Tuesday got even bigger today as we headed across Port Philip Bay as a weather front passed over us and the YC learned about deck safety and sail setting before heading into open ocean. After lunch we transited the treacherous Rip near Queenscliff, and...

Welcome to the Voyage from Melbourne to Sydney. Our Youth Crew (YC) joined today with just one late arrival as a result of the airline troubles. Nevertheless the show went on and the YC are going through a climbing safety brief before climbing aloft...

Today we were lucky enough to take a group of young Victorians for a sail with us, from rural schools around the state, as well as some other special guests. Conditions were great for sailing and our crew for the day helped with all aspects...

We've just completed the youth crew command day, which began yesterday at about 1900. The course set was a challenging one, sail from Lorne, through the Rip into Port Phillip and onto an anchorage near Port Arlington to send a beach assault team ashore to...

For most of last night we had great sailing conditions with about 20-25 knots of wind from the west. Conditions were so good that we decided to make an effort to get down to King Island and sample some fine cheeses and visit the kelp...

Last night we enjoyed a comfortable night in the anchorage off Portland. Each of the watches had a chat about how their voyage and goals are progressing and then kept anchor watches to make sure the ship remained safe overnight.Today we were overtaken by the...

Last night we enjoyed some excellent sailing, making the most of 25-30 knot nor-westerlies by setting just about everything that resembled a sail. Throughout the day today we also made the most of the good winds and in the early afternoon sailed into Bridgewater Bay...

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