June 2001

she is also the only woman on staff who works with a crazy bunch of men or should I say boys. I have a lot of admiration and respect for these people who spend long periods of time away from their loved ones and who...

with the news that the weather had turned for the worst and that the staff had committed mutiny taking back control of the ship. As the morning moved on the mentally...

We had a great day at Groote. We left at 0930 and sailed out with maximum canvas flying. Quite a few locals turned out to wave us goodbye. We are now heading north and spirits are high after a good break. Tonight the YC...

Today smoothed out beautifully. The swell died and the wind moved us along at a comfortable 5 knots. The YC have done heaps of climbing and sail setting and now are looking forward to a break in Alyangula. It's on Groote Eylandt in...

We had a quiet day today recovering from the hectic first two days. It's still a little bumpy and the spew-o-meter is climbing. The clouds have been rolling by threatening to rain but they always end up clearing to give us some beautiful sunsets and...

We're getting a good blow at the moment which is giving us great sailing but a few sickies at the same time. They'll get better by tomorrow. It's Tuesday and we've just had one of the biggest days of the Voyage. We left the comfort...

Our Youth Crew (YC) joined early yesterday and after a welcome on deck we got underway early on our 17 day voyage from Weipa to Darwin.At the moment everyone is getting ready to climb aloft to the lower top (the lowest platform on the foremast),...

Please wait a moment...