V08/18 Tag

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, Young Endeavour dropped anchor at Little Manly Cove at 2330 last night after a challenging night of sailing by the youth crew. The winds proved stronger than anticipated and, under the expert guidance of our two navigators, we were more than...

Ahoy there Shipmates, After a restful night at anchor in Hungry Bay, within Broken Bay, the crew were awoken by Sail Master Evan at 0700 and mustered on deck for an early morning activity to get the body warmed-up and the mind active which was followed...

Ahoy there Shipmates, At 0700, after a night of motoring into a 15 kn headwind, Horto and I conducted the Captain’s Setting and Furling assessment of the watches to confirm they were competent to progress to Command Day. I am pleased to say all the watches...

Ahoy there Shipmates, Overnight the Ship remained at anchor off Montagu Point in Jervis Bay (JB). We enjoyed a pleasant night’s sleep in mild weather conditions. Sail Master Evan piped Wakey Wakey at 0630 and the crew arose for a quick EMA followed by a BBQ breakfast...

Ahoy there Shipmates,We had slightly annoying night at sea with a beam swell tossing the Ship around as we progressed our passage to Jervis Bay (JB). We motor-sailed some of the night and then came off engines once we had made good ground, but unfortunately...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the Ship continued to make ground to the north-north-east towards Sydney. The wind remained a steady 12 to 15 knots from the south-south-west during the morning watch. Overnight the all of the watches continued with their sail setting and furling practice as...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Welcome to day 3 of our adventure under sail. The ship continued sailing south-south-west overnight along the NSW then VIC coast. The wind freshened from between northerly and north-north-east overnight and the swell under 1.0 m from the NNE also. The Youth Crew...

Ahoy there Shipmates, Evan woke the crew with another of his favourite tunes and then it was into a quick shower, breaky and then pack our bags. It’s the last day of the voyage! After the final Morning Brief and Happy Hour for the Voyage, Young Endeavour...

Ahoy there Shipmates, A well deserved night’s rest at anchor in Little Manly Cove was had by all. I think everyone onboard slept, as soundly as they could and for good reason, most were exhausted from Command Day, but that didn’t stop us from conducting our...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Welcome to Day 2 of the voyage. Following a well deserved night’s rest the Youth Crew awoke at 0630 to the sounds of one of Sail Master Evan’s favourite tunes and to the delights of a cool, dry Twofold Bay morning. After walking...

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