Author: Commanding Officer STS Young Endeavour

Well, ladies and gents, boys and girls, today is the final day of V14/21 and shiver me timbers (ye olde nautical saying), what a voyage it’s been. We’ve had some great weather, amazing sailing and some not so great weather, but heaps of fun and...

Ahoy dear readers. Anchored in Athol Bay, Port Jackson this evening as I write this, the penultimate log of our fantastic voyage and I must say, it has been a wonderful adventure. Ships staff have completed all post voyage administration, including voyage debrief and a...

Young Endeavour anchored just off Taronga zoo at 0030 hours this morning, after the youth crew sailed her from Port Hacking through the night. With no rest for the wicked, anchor watches still had to be kept, to ensure the ship did not drift, so...

Ahoy! Ahh what a wondrous day to be aboard Young Endeavour. Our morning began as many have, with youthies roused by lively tunes and brought to life by a bangin’ brekkie fit for the gods. A game of Evolution was held mid-deck, during which the...

Ahoy there ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. The morning of day 7 found us in the vicinity of Port Hacking, in wet, lumpy and windy conditions. Watches conducted teamwork exercises overnight and then demonstrational tacks took place first thing, after our morning brief. Demo tacks...

Ahoy there, dear friends and followers. The morning of day 6 found us safely at anchor in the southern part of Jervis Bay, all snug and secure. With skies a bit grey and drizzly and cold, we thought...

At 0700 we woke up to the song ‘good vibrations’ and a warm start to floral Friday. After a rough night the sea sickness blues washed away with the medicine of sand between our toes. After the awesome vibes of happy hour we made it...

After waking up at 2330 White Watch had the task of a ‘Gutswatch’. Immediately, we joined forces with Red Watch to Brail the main mast. We came across some difficulties when there was an air pocket caught inside the sheet, keeping Red Watch up for...

Another wakey wakey blasted out into Hunters Bay to rouse the youthies (and the local Mosmanians!) at 0630 this morning. Having said that though, there was a plethora of said locals already out and about in the bay! Swimmers, kayakers, paddle boarders...

Bob Marley roused us from our slumbers at 0630 this morning whilst anchored Hunters Bay, Mosman. Sailmaster Tori summoned us all up to midships for an Early Morning Activity (EMA) before breakfast. The traditional Naval Colours ceremony took place next at 0800 which included a...

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