Day 6 – Northward bound
Ahoy there, dear friends and followers. The morning of day 6 found us safely at anchor in the southern part of Jervis Bay, all snug and secure. With skies a bit grey and drizzly and cold, we thought… let’s go for a swim! And so we opened the pool. The rope swing was swung and bowsprit launches launched. A ripper time was had by all, ladies and gents. Then the duty lifeguard blew their whistle and it was out out out. Showered and dry, it was time to clean, thus after a cleaning frenzy, a marvellous lunch was devoured by all. Watch leaders then took their watches through a bit of a mid voyage chat to ensure everyone is ticking off their goals and is happy with their individual progress and that of the watch. When they were done we weighed anchor and shaped a course to exit the bay, ESE into a nice fresh southerly breeze, whereby we set a lovely sail plan and closed up at tacking stations. Rotational tacks was conducted which is an opportunity for each watch to experience what the other watches do at tacking stations. During Command Day, dear readers, watch members will be mixed up so their current tacking station will no longer be their bread and butter. Which reminds me… dinner was fantastic tonight. Anyway, your humble narrator presented a wonderful (ahem) sail theory lecture next, before hands closed up at sea watches, and then lay aloft to loose the squares. What fun! Then we waited for the southerly breeze to kick in proper…. in the mean time we started an engine and will motorsail north until we get more wind… Well that’s another day in the books. Stay tuned for Command Day preps and elections happening tomorrow night! I wonder who will be elected?? What an adventure! Yours Aye, Captain Adam Charlie Farley+
Weather: Showers: Wind: S @ 5-10 kts. Swell: S @ 1m. Temp: 16.