V13/18 Tag

Ahoy shipmates,We are approaching the end of a wonderful 11 day adventure with some truly inspiring Young Australians. We as staff have thoroughly enjoyed their company…they will be missed. As we settle in for the last night of the voyage there is no need for...

Ahoy shipmates,Command Day has arrived and we have handed the Ship over to the Youth Crew of Voyage 13/18. Unofficially the staffies are on holidays (but always watching) and as such Captain Reilly has Captain’s Log responsibilities tonight…so over to him.Fair Winds,Captain Kenny Ahoy,Today, Saturday the...

Ahoy shipmates,Well we are back at Whitehaven Beach doing it very tough. As I write the Youth Crew are enjoying popcorn and lollies amidships watching a movie…but lets go back to the start of what was another very busy day. After consolidating their sailing skills...

Ahoy shipmates,Young Endeavour spent a restful night at anchor in the magnificent Apostle Bay, with sheer cliffs around us. We got underway bright and early to make the most of a sunrise transit through Hook Passage (between Whitsunday and Hook Islands). To use a term...

Ahoy shipmates,Overnight the crew of Voyage 13/18 spent a productive time at sea in conditions ranging from 5-10 knots to 15-20 knots of wind. Each watch completed the team challenge exercise known as the Bearex, with varying degrees of success…unimportant as long as the learning...

Ahoy shipmates,After a relaxing night at anchor, the crew of Young Endeavour awoke to a beautiful Whitsunday morning. After a brisk early morning activity to get the blood flowing, a hearty breakfast (see below) was had by all. Morning brief followed, the highlight of which...

Ahoy shipmates,Today was one of those days that make you glad to be alive. After a night under sail (including a midnight tack – always popular!), and with each watch consolidating their newly learnt skills, sunrise found us sailing past the magnificent Pentacost Island as...

Ahoy shipmates,After their first full night underway some of the Youth Crew of Voyage 13/14 were a little bit green this morning and very thankful that we finally made our way to anchor on the western side of Brampton Island. After dropping the pick (anchor)...

Ahoy shipmates,Well we have had quite the busy day. After a restful night at anchor we have certainly kept the Youth Crew hopping. The day’s activities involved morning brief, first climbs to the top of the foremast (challenging in 20-25 knots of wind), happy hour...

Hi folks,Welcome one and all. Voyage 13 has commenced. Under continuing sunny conditions we embarked a nervously excited Youth Crew this afternoon at 1500. After showing family and friends around their home for the next 11 days, everyone gathered at midships for the official welcome...

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