Hi Everyone, Welcome to day 8 of our voyage. Well Blue Watch who were meant to write tonight’s log went climbing to watch the sunset instead, so I thought to myself here we go again its left up to Gav! But no, Adam came to...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to day 8 of our voyage. Well Blue Watch who were meant to write tonight’s log went climbing to watch the sunset instead, so I thought to myself here we go again its left up to Gav! But no, Adam came to...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to day six of our voyage. Well we have said goodbye to the Brazilian sun and throughout the day have experienced cooler conditions with overcast skies and scattered showers. With these conditions I have seen the return of tracky pants and wet...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to day five of our voyage. Since farewelling Esmeralda we have continued to make good speed to the south east but due to moderating conditions have had to revert to motor sailing and the use of the starboard engine. Looking at our World...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to day four our voyage. Well overnight we made best speed to the south east so that we could make our 1100 rendezvous with Esmeralda which sadly did mean the use of main engines but we didn’t want to be late. Thanks to...
Hi Everyone,Welcome to our first Captains Log for Passage Seven of World Voyage 2015.Our journey officially commenced when we departed the spectacular city of Rio de Janeiro this morning and providing we get some favourable winds will see us arrive in Cape Town, South Africa...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to day 20 of our voyage. Well the weather gods have continued to be kind today with lots of sunshine, some moderate to strong wind and a much smaller swell. With the stronger wind we did manage to put the ship under...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to day 18 of our voyage. Well as you will read in tonight’s log everybody loves a Sunday Sea routine and I have to admit I am no different as it gives all of us a chance just to relax and recharge...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to day 17 of our voyage. Well following a night of stormy weather we made it the isolated but spectacular island of Tristan Da Cunha just before 0800 this morning only to find that the weather was completely unsuitable for a safe...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to day 16 of our voyage. Well thankfully the wind freshened again today as we experienced a passing cold front so we are back under sail. In preparations for some stronger conditions expected overnight we have a reduced sail plan and I...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to day 15 of our voyage. Just as we were starting to enjoy some good sailing the wind died during the early hours of this morning and we were left becalmed with heavy rain soaking the morning watch which isn’t a pleasant...