November 2022

 Ahoy there shipmates and armchair sailors, welcome to Captain's Log for Voyage 13/22, Sydney to Geelong. We met the lovely youth crew for this voyage at Sub Base Platypus in Neutral Bay, today and they seemed like a fantastic bunch. 24 youths from places various, embarked...

Free Public Open Day Visit Australia’s national sail training ship STS Young Endeavour for a free open day on Sunday 27 November. Explore the ship, meet the Royal Australian Navy staff crew, and hear from the Young Endeavour Ambassadors about their voyage experience. A voyage in Young Endeavour is...

STS Young Endeavour will host a free Open Weekend at Darling Harbour on Saturday 12th November and Sunday 13th November, between 1:00pm and 4:00pm each day.   Explore the ship, meet the Royal Australian Navy staff crew, and hear from the Young Endeavour Ambassadors about their voyage...

6.30 wakey wakey, all feeling excited and nervous about the big command day ahead of us. After a peaceful night in Broken Bay our youthies cracked on with happy hour before those with elected positions had a chance to sit down with their respected Staffies...

Ahoy dear readers, day 7 of our adventurous voyage found us anchored in Flint and Steel Bay in the vicinity of Hungry Beach. A lovely little spot in the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, just around the corner from Summer Bay ;) And although the weather has...

2, 6, Heyyyyyyy!!! The youthies were up an’ at em’ in the freeeezing cold, well before the sun woke up. We set the storm jib and trysail without the help of the staffies, starting to transition to youthies in charge in anticipation for command day in...

Wednesday the 28th ‘hump day’, white watch serenaded the crew with their remastered version of high school musical’s ‘breaking free’ AKA ‘sailing free’ to start the day. Spirits were high as the seasickness scale was rated no more than a two out of ten and...

Ahoy there dear readers, we’ve had a great run south since departing Byron Bay this morning around 0830. With freshening northerlies hitting 30 knots at times, we were flying along with all squares out, averaging 8-10 knots on a lovely, broad reach. We braced for...

In the early hours of the day we began to take on watches, alternating through the white, red and blue watches. As seasickness began to take hold, some very brave youthies climbed and laid aloft, with the red watch getting the delight of watching the...

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