July 2018

Ahoy shipmates,All good things must come to an end, as is the case for the Youth Crew of Voyage 12/18. We have had a remarkable voyage, been blessed by outstanding weather, and visited some truly amazing places. It has been the great pleasure of the...

Ahoy shipmates,We come to you tonight from our anchorage in Refuge Bay on the northern side of Scawfell Island…quite a magnificent location. Well the Youth Crew (and staffies) have made it through Command Day unscathed. You will be pleased to hear they performed exceptionally well,...

Ahoy shipmates,The big day is finally here…we have handed Command of the ship to the Youth Crew of Voyage 12/18. It’s essentially theirs anyway, as STS Young Endeavour came to Australia as the Bicentennial Gift of the United Kingdom and was accepted by the Prime...

Greetings all,We continue to be blessed with glorious weather. After making a comfortable  overnight transit from Great Keppel Island we have arrived at the Percy Island Group, approximately  70nm south east of Mackay. This will be an excellent starting point for tomorrow’s Command Day. From...

Ahoy shipmates, Shock, horror…an overcast day! Our long run of sunny weather has finally come to an end. On the upside, the change in weather brought some wind…up to 20 knots…making for some perfect sailing conditions once we weighed anchor from Magnetic Island. Unfortunately it...

Ahoy all,Let me start by introducing myself…Lieutenant Commander Andrew (Kenny) Callander atyour service. I was deeply honoured to assume Command from Captain Mike on Wednesday4 th July 2018, and look forward the next few years as Captain of Young Endeavour. This is my3rd posting to...

Ahoy there Shipmates,We had slightly annoying night at sea with a beam swell tossing the Ship around as we progressed our passage to Jervis Bay (JB). We motor-sailed some of the night and then came off engines once we had made good ground, but unfortunately...

Ahoy there Shipmates, A well deserved night’s rest in the Badgers Point anchorage was had by all. I think everyone onboard slept very soundly and for good reason, most were exhausted from Command Day. That didn’t stop Sail Master Baggers from waking us up early to...

Hi Everyone,                     Welcome to day five of our voyage. As forecast the south westerly change occurred during the early hours of Sunday 07th January bringing with it 25-35kt gale force winds and a 2m swell which was stronger than expected. These conditions really challenged the...

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