June 2013

Ahoy there Shipmates, Tim awoke the Youth Crew at 0630 with yet another hit from a forgotten era and everyone came up on deck for the last early morning activity. Tim had quite a treat in store for the Youthies, they had not realised it...

Ahoy there Shipmates, Wow what a day has been had by all. The last full day on the voyage has been a massive day packed full of fun activities. It all started at 0530 with the staff slowly waking up and making preparations for weighing...

Ahoy There Shipmates, Well what a busy night we had last night. The Youth Crew were kept very active on their command day with numerous tasks needing to be completed overnight. It was quite the challenging night of navigation but Captain Manning was ably supported...

Ahoy there Shipmates, What a night we had last night! With the wind backing to the north and the increasing frequency of the rain squalls we knew we would be in for an interesting night at sea. It was very unfortunate that after all the...

Ahoy there Shipmates, A well deserved night’s rest in the Wellington Harbour. Winds of 25 knots and some showers and rain were how the day started and as it turns out would pretty much remain. That didn’t stop Sail Master Guv from waking us up...

Ahoy there Shipmates, After a restful night at anchor at Rye, the crew were woken by Sail Master Pau at 0700 and mustered on deck for an early morning game to get the mind and body going. We then dined on another of Luke’s delicious breakfasts...

Hello friends and families,After an interrupted night’s sleep with a number of tacks occurring through the night we arrived at the required waypoint 15 minutes ahead of the required arrival time. After arriving at the waypoint Staff coached Ashleigh through the pilotage to Tangalooma where...

Ahoy there Shipmates, Sail Master Rick woke the crew at 0600 for the promised sunrise climb which didn’t disappoint. The pink glow of the sun reflected off the sails of the Opera House was breath-taking. After a snappy morning brief, at which Salty and Bully-Beef...

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