May 2013

Ahoy there Shipmates, The Ship remained at anchor overnight with the Youth Crew keeping their first anchor watches. This meant that only one member of each watch was up on deck for an hour, letting the other members of the watch catch up on some...

Ahoy there Shipmates, The ship remained at sea overnight in the vicinity of Bundaberg conducting sail handling drills and navigation training. All the watches had a chance to exercise their teamwork and communication skills throughout their watch. The ship came to anchor at 0700 this...

G’day Shipmates, The ship remained at sea overnight making way up the east coast of Fraser Island. The Youth Crew each kept their first night watch last night, which means they were awake for 4 hours during the night, keeping the ship safe. I have...

Hello Shipmates, After a good nights rest the Youth Crew were awoken by Sail Master Guv and one of his 80’s classics. As they arrived up on deck they were greeted by some less then ideal weather but it did not seem to dampen their...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the ship continued motor-sailing towards Wilson’s Promontory. The prevailing westerly winds required us to tack our way there which required us to transit through the Bass Strait Oil and Gas platforms area. We tacked once through the night at 0400 at the...

From Youth Crew Captain: Elspeth Hello, What a ride that was! Our 24 hour command day was amazing, we were all challenged mentally and physically and were all completely exhausted come time to hand the ship back to the crew. A Command Day debrief (after...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the ship continued motor-sailing towards Port Phillip Bay, encountering some showers and high winds during the middle watch. This resulted the Ship’s speed bring reduced to less than two knots at times.We had Morning Brief, during which ‘Salty’ explained the nautical origin...

Ahoy there Shipmates,After a restful night at anchor at Mooloolaba, the crew were awoken by Sail Master Matt at 0630 and mustered on deck for an early morning game of ‘Evolution’ to get the body and mind started. We then dined on another of Squizy’s...

Ahoy there Shipmates, A well deserved night’s rest at anchor was had by all. I think everyone onboard slept very soundly and for good reason, most were exhausted from Command Day, but that didn’t stop us from conducting our usual Early Morning Activity on the...

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