February 2000

Shortly after lunch yesterday afternoon, both Spirit of NZ and Young Endeavour anchored off Urupukapuka Is, one of the many beautiful islands in the Bay of Islands. I suspect that the master of Spirit, is selecting these anchorages based on the difficulty of the placename...

The engineer's sling shot for water balloons was given an operational evaluation shortly after lunch as we closed our friends Spirit of NewZealand at close quarters in the Bay of Islands. Both ships were without sail and similar to America's Cup racing starts, it was...

After lunch yesterday afternoon both Spirit of NZ and Young Endeavour weighed anchor and departed the beautiful Whangaroa Harbour. Once clear of the harbour both ships sailed close together and the enevitable water battle ensued. Once again we were out gunned in Young Endeavour. Our...

Yesterday afternoon both Spirit of NZ and Young Endeavour motor sailed in light conditions to our anchorage at Whangaroa Harbour. The local coastline is very beautiful and the sighting of whales and porpoises along the way was a treat. At 1800 both ships entered through...

Yesterday afternoon continued on a thrilling sail north in fresh SW winds. Conducted tacking drills and a navigation lecture later in the afternoon. Spirit of NZ went to anchor in the evening but Young Endeavour continued to sail overnight. It was all hands on deck...

Youth crew joined ship berthed in Auckland on Sunday afternoon. Whilst alongside commenced training program and managed to get everybody aloft that evening. Next morning we sailed at 0930 and motored out of Auckland Harbour in strong westerly winds. It was Auckland...

Had a great Australia Day yesterday. BBQ and sports day were a lot of fun and youth crew also managed to get to the local shops. Later in the afternoon crew returned onboard and conducted harbour furls of all sails. Watched the America's Cup yacht...

Command Day went very well despite Mother Nature being against the team. When the ship needed to go north we had northerly winds, once able to bear away to the west we had the wind back to the west and finally on entering the Hauraki...

Conducted final set of sail handling drills yesterday afternoon. Ship then proceeded through tight passage appropriately named 'Hole in the Wall'. Anchored in a lovely bay of Great Mercury Island late in the afternoon. Cook named island after viewing the transit of the planet Mercury...

Completed tacking drills early yesterday afternoon and then proceeded to anchorage at Mayor Island. Mayor Island is very beautiful and we anchored in snug little cove in crystal clear water. Got everybody ashore and choice was beach or climb the crater. Most chose the beach...

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