August 2000

Sailed throughout the night tacking at midnight and again at 0230. Each watch conducted a team work exercise during their night watch and from all reports they went very well. During the night the wind backed to the east enabling square sails to be set...

Got underway this morning at 1030 after morning brief and 'happy hour'. We sailed from the anchorage in a seamanlike manner and set the squares to go for an enjoyable sail on a bright sunny day. We reached out to the NE and after lunch...

Yesterday evening we weighed anchor at 1830 and in short order we had fore and aft sails set and commenced working southwards against a strong SE wind. It was an uncomfortable night with the 30kt winds building up quite a respectable sea. The ship tacked...

Sailed throughout the night tacking at 2000, 0400 and again this morning at 0830. The fresh SE winds have made for some good sailing although seasickness has effected most YC to some extent. Nevertheless, they have soldiered on although they were a tired mob this...

With all youth crew onboard we sailed from the Mackay Marina at 1805 yesterday evening and an hour later we anchored off Round Top Island. All YC managed to climb to the topgallant yard (30m high) overnight which was a great effort and start to...

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