November 2013

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the Ship continued on a west north westerly course motor-sailing on the starboard tack with the Top Gallant and Topsail squares set; making the best of the 20 knot easterly winds and making good a speed of over 8 knots. The Ship’s...

G’day Shipmates,Welcome to day 3 of our adventure under sail. After a restful night at anchor in Ship Cove Sail Master Dion woke us with ‘It’s times Like These’ by the Foo Fighters at 0630 to get into action for our adventure ashore. He stimulated...

G’day shipmates, Welcome to Young Endeavour’s Voyage 19 for 2013. Our journey starts in the New Zealand’s Windy City of Wellington. The Ship has been here since Thu 07 Nov when it completed V 18/13 Auckland to Wellington. We have a magnificent tall ship, plenty...

Hello Shipmates,Welcome to Day 2 of the voyage. We had an action-packed night with the forecast cold front hitting us about 1230 pm, a little earlier than expected. It included 40 knot winds and required us to clew-up the square sails and furl the topgallant...

Ahoy there Shipmates,We had a mixed bag of sailing last night with the wind dropping down to two knots then increasing to 10 knots from the East. Unfortunately I did have to use the engine for part of the first watch, but once the wind...

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