Captain's Log
10 November 2013

Sydney to Auckland STI Race – Day 2

Hello Shipmates,Welcome to Day 2 of the voyage. We had an action-packed night with the forecast cold front hitting us about 1230 pm, a little earlier than expected. It included 40 knot winds and required us to clew-up the square sails and furl the topgallant staysail in order to prevent the sails being damaged and keep heel to a manageable amount. These weather conditions kept those who had the middle watch and morning watches very busy and worked them physically hard.Its was decided to give the crew an opportunity for a rest following the exhausting night and the brief and happy hour were delayed until after lunch. Next Sumo held episode 1 of ‘Rope Races’.The southerly winds maintained a strength of over 18 knots until early afternoon. After dinner the wind had dropped to under 12 knots and it was decided to replace the number 3 Jib with the number 2 Jib, which is better suited to the lighter wind conditions. While this was occurring the Mainsail was brailed to ensure the ship remained balanced and as a result speed was drastically reduced until the Jib and Mainsails could be set again. It is expected that we will have a quieter night tonight.At the 0001Z (1100 L)Scheduled Position CheckYoung Endeavour was in the lead, with the next closest competitor being Tecla 25 miles astern.Until tomorrow,Yours AyeCaptain Mike “ 


33° 53' South / 155° 16' East


Wind: 190 / 7 kts, Weather: fine, Swell: 230 / 2.5 m, Temp: 18 deg.C