The best experience I have ever had in my life

I applied for Young Endeavour on a whim, having heard stories from friends who’d done it the year before. When I received the offer to sail, I was beyond excited and wouldn’t stop talking about the possibilities of what I would get to do.
When I got on board STS Young Endeavour it was overwhelming with the reality of being there, but also the most exciting thing I have ever done in my life. I met life long friends whom I bonded with closely, and together we helped each other overcome our fears and doubts and the staffies said we were one of the most close-knit groups they had seen in a while.
Even though I was the first one to get seasick and stayed that way for about 3 or 4 days, I didn’t let that stop me from having a go at everything and enjoying myself, and even bonded over being unwell with one of my now best friends.
Come Command Day, even though not everyone got the position they may have wanted, no one let jealousy or hurt feelings get in the way of making sure the ship sailed seamlessly.
I remember the day we returned to dry land in Brisbane, everyone was taking the longest time to say goodbyes and head our separate ways. We had all gotten so close to one another and we didn’t want to leave, we wanted to stay together and keep talking about all the fun we had and the things we learned while onboard together.
I still remain that going on Young Endeavour was the best experience I have ever had in my life, and is something I will never forget.
Bek Newdick
Voyage V13/21
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