Captain’s Log

Command Day: an exhilarating, exciting day where the Youthies of Voyage 19/23 take control of Young Endeavour. After seven days on board, the day has come that the Youthies have been preparing for. This morning, we awoke at 6:30 to music blasting over the intercom. We...

During the night each watch had to complete a challenge which none of the Youthies had seen or done before! Nevertheless, we all persisted and, without the assistance of Staffies, completed the challenge! For breakfast we had some lovely pancakes! Which was then followed up by...

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchair sailors! Welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 6! Our salty sea dogs in training are hard at work tonight so you’re with me, Captain Libby! Day 6 dawned a lazy rainy Sunday morning perfect for sleeping in… but not for our...

Captain’s Youthies’ Log Ahoy! The sun arose around the beautiful Jervis Bay this morning. The amazing Staffies safely and excellently anchored us here to prepare us for our adventure ahead. This morning we heard from all our favourites. Tomo, Trev, Captain Libby, and of course, Emma...

Hey everyone! (Parents, siblings, and others!) Boy was today an adventure! We woke up at 0700 after our first taste of 4 hour watches overnight and had an amazing breaky to brace us of the adventure ahead. As usual, Tomo’s Morning Brief was exciting and fun...

Our day started with anchor watches throughout the early hours of the morning, taking turns doing rounds. This included: checking the cable, monitoring thermometers, the ships position, listening in on radio chatter, and getting to know our fellow mariners on watch. We awoke to the tune...

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchair sailors, welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 2! The day dawned bright and beautiful over Sydney Harbour, so beautiful in fact Sail Master Tomo couldn’t let our Youthies miss it! Waking the ship at 0600, Tomo corralled everyone on the...

Good morning Shipmates, Sailmaster Chucky’s final Wakey Wakey song, Paper Planes by MIA, was pumped through the Ship's speakers to jar the crew of YE from their deep slumber after a particularly tiring day of the Community Day Sail activities, end-of-voyage chats for the watches,  harbour...

Good evening shipmates, After a well-earned quality night’s sleep at anchor in Hunters Bay, Sail Master Chucky woke us with another of his soothing tunes to get us on deck for a quick early morning activity. While the youth crew had breakfast the staff crew weighed...

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