August 2017

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the ship continued motor-sailing towards Mooloolaba. The wind gradually abated and we had furled and clewed-up all sails, with the exception of the centred Main Staysail, and were running on engines by the middle of the morning watch. During the night the...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the ship continued on passage north under sail, averaging 10 knots with just the Topsail, Fore Staysail and Main staysail set, until the morning watch when the Topsail was clewed-up to reduce our speed. Wakey Wakey was at 0700. After a rough...

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the Ship remained at anchor in Trial Bay. Sail Master Kyle woke us all at 0700 and treated everyone to a quick game of ‘Knights, Mounts and Cavaliers’ to get the body and mind active. At 0800 we held the ceremony of...

Ahoy there Shipmates,We had another busy night at sea with the crew monitoring the safety of the Ship throughout. As the wind remained a relatively constant 15 knots from the NE we motor-sailed to ensure we would arrive at our planned anchorage at Trial Bay...

G’day Shipmates,Welcome to day 3 of our adventure under sail. The ship continued motor-sailing north overnight along the NSW coast. The wind remained light and variable and the swell was negligible through the night. This was fortuitous as it is giving our new crew members...

Hello Shipmates,Welcome to Day 2 of the voyage. Following a well deserved and much needed night’s rest the Youth Crew were woken to a beautiful sunrise at 0630 by Sail Master Kyle, who treated us to an ‘ice-breaker’ deck game to wake us up. After...

G’day shipmates,Welcome to Young Endeavour’s Voyage 10 for 2017. Our journey starts in the Harbour City of Sydney and will conclude in Brisbane in eleven days. We have a magnificent tall ship, wind for our sails and the NSW Coast explore. The potential is limitless...

Ahoy there Shipmates,After a hectic night in high winds and long low swells we entered Jervis Bay at 0645, after giving way to the RAN Flag Ship, HMAS Canberra, to enable her to enter the bay ahead of us, unobstructed. She was going to be...

Ahoy there,Another night of the Ship rolling under the influence of a beam swell, although it did abate through the night as we continued to motor towards Pittwater, our next planned anchorage.At 0930 Brett the engineer and I conducted our staysail setting and furling competency...

Hi Everyone,                     Welcome to day six of our voyage. As has happened during the previous days of this voyage the wind veered to the southeast and strengthened during the morning watch which allowed us to enjoy some more sailing but kept the morning watch extremely...

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