March 2017

"The sea was a little bit wild that day and myself and a crew member went aloft to the very top of the mast to untie the gaskets (letting the sail down), I was on the far end of the yard untying them.The boat was...

"I am a firm believer that all people go through 3 big challenges in their lives. Be it the death of a family member, a life threatening illness like cancer along with some sort of emotional challenge, be it a relationship bust up or challenging...

"I am a firm believer that all people go through 3 big challenges in their lives. Be it the death of a family member, a life threatening illness like cancer along with some sort of emotional challenge, be it a relationship bust up or challenging...

Hi Everyone, Welcome to day two of our voyage. It was a poor taste in music (Horto’s country selection) that awoke the Youth Crew for their first Early Morning Activity (EMA) at 0630 this morning. Breakfast followed then the Youth Crew were mustered on the...

"I sailed in the Southern Ocean from Sydney to Rio De Janeiro during the Young Endeavour's World Voyage in 2015.We sailed for 2 months with only two stop offs throughout the journey. This gave us plenty of time at sea and while there were high...

"3 years ago I sailed on the YE.I grew up around boats, so I figured it would I would take this in my stride. What I wasn't prepared for was how much I would grow and change on board.Most people would have described me as...

" It's been over 9 months since I last stepped off the gangway and gave and received teary goodbyes and promises to meet up soon, but even now i get flashbacks of hanging off the yard with the sun setting on the evening of command...

Please wait a moment...