Captain's Log
13 July 2006

Zoe Bay, Hinchinbrook Island

After another hard night at sea last night with only 3 tacks, we awoke to more liquid sunshine this morning! During the night the wind died off, making it necissary for us to set the iron top sails and motor the last 7 hours of this leg of the voyage. The coast line appeared to be something we were destined to only see on the radar, however at around 0700 this morning we sighted Hinchinbook Island. We let go at 0828 this morning in Zoe Bay to spend a the night in a beautiful anchorage, surrounded by rugged hills complete with 3 large waterfalls. Though it is still raining! We are about to show what intreppid exploreres we are with a 20 minute treck to a waterhole for a swim under a waterfall. If the weather clears, a BBQ dinner will be the order of this eveining.Ian HibbardLEUT, RANVoyage Captain


18° 23' South / 146° 20' East


Wind SE 15-20 kts. Overcast and raining