Captain's Log
30 July 2009

Youth Crews Log Entry

Hi Everyone, The Youth Crew have decided to take over Captains Log for this evening and give me a night off. I am sure that you will really enjoy reading their log entry as it is an honest account of their voyage thus far.Until tomorrow, take care.Yours AyeCaptain Gav YOUTH CREW CAPTAINS LOGAhoy there land lovers! As we near the end of our 5th day on the young endeavour we can take a moment out of our busy day to reflect on the events of the last half week. There have been many high points and some low points, but despite this, there are none on board who can claim they haven’t enjoyed all that this ship has to offer. The first few days on board saw many of the youth crew clinging to the side rail, head down and pale faced. But after a few days at sea, most have grown used to the gentle swaying of the deck and the constant sound of the wind in the square sails. We may have earned our ���sea legs’ but many are still struggling with the idea of an 18 hour working day. I know I can speak for most when I say that in the early hours of the morning when I’m desperately clinging to the last precious minutes of sleep, the idea of a four hour midnight watch on deck is less than appealing. But despite the lack of sleep, these watches not only give us time to ���learn the ropes’ (pardon the pun) and become better acquainted with fellow members of our watch, but also time to quietly reflect on the opportunities and experiences offered to us by this amazing voyage.Already, by day 5, there have been numerous notable highlights. The first few days were spent busily learning the many names and phrases used on board the 44 meter brigantine. The staff threw us straight into it, tacking the ship and climbing the foremast yards, giving us little time to adjust to our new surroundings. On day three we were all given a break from the hard work and heat of the sun with a quick swim in the ocean. We spent the hour being entertained by the great array of diving styles displayed by the youth crew and staff members alike. Making land for the first time on Orpheus Island gave many a well needed chance to get their feet on dry land although after a while some began to complain that the sensation of sturdy ground underfoot was strange after four straight days at sea. Climbing the foremast to watch to sunset over Palm Island was a great highlight for the red watch team although some found it hard to fight the urge to cling on for dear life. On day five we were treated to the beautiful Hinchinbrook Island, landing in Zoe Bay late in the morning and spending the day swimming by the fresh waterfall and sun baking on the rocks. To bring an end to an already magnificent day, a few of the crew spent the late afternoon sitting on the bowsprit watching dolphins and whales off the coast of the island. I find it hard to believe I have crammed so many amazing experiences into just a few days. We have all enjoyed our time on board so far, whether it be checking away on the buntlines, preparing the ship for sail or listening to the calming strums of a guitar as we watch the sunrise over the east coast. We have learnt many new things about ourselves and each other pushed our personal boundaries and forged what we hope to be life long friendships. Sailing with the Young Endeavour is a once in a life time opportunity, one we are all privileged to be experiencing. It continues to teach us so much, bringing to mind a quote I heard long ago that resinates now more strongly than ever��_ ���Live for the long working hours you can never remember, to the experiences you can never forget. For the nights that turn into mornings and the friends that turn into family.��While sitting anchored in Zoe Bay we can not help but think what it would have been like for our predecessors who first sailed these waters. With wind in our sails, sea spray in our faces and complex rigging, our experience only scratches the surface of the life they might have had. The work is hard, but it is made a whole lot easier by working in teams of once strangers, but now mates, to collectively achieve our objectives. The Young Endeavour voyage somewhat resembles an isolated macrocosm. We form this new community and lacking any outside contact, seem to leave the rest of the world behind. No one would have believed it if they told us, however this voyage has already exceeded our expectations including the array of beautiful and diverse wildlife and scenery that we have seen along our course. P.S. To all our families we say, ���Love you! but we don’t want to come home��


18° 3' South / 146° 14' East


Currently located 3nm to the SE of Hudson Island and experiencing moderate SE winds with a 1m swell.