Whales Ahoy!

Our second night at sea since the voyage started and there has certainly been plenty of work to do. With the wind still out of the south, our crew are certainly getting used to tacking the ship at all hours of the night and day! Come command day it is one thing they should have well worked out.We were very lucky to see a Humpback Whale at close quarters during the afternoon which caused some excitement. It surfaced several times no more than about 30 yards off our port side. Some were quick enough to catch it on camera, but for the rest of us a great memory to have.Overnight on Monday we continued to make ground towards Hinchinbrook Island under sail and then motored in to an anchorage in Zoe Bay at about 0900 on Tuesday morning. After two nights at sea, everyone was pleased to be able to get ashore and go for a short walk to a set of waterfalls and a great freshwater swimming hole – pretty cold water though. After lunch and the favourite part of the day (cleaning stations) we motored down to uor overnight anchorage at Orpheus Island intime for another swim over the side and a BBQ on deck.Three way talks in the evening gave each crew member a chance to introduce and talk about one of their shipmates. Some good performances and it is always interesting to see the wide range of backgrounds and experience we get on YOUNG ENDEAVOUR. All of our sea sickies have recovered now and are really starting to take on more of the day to day running of the ship which is an exciting time for all of us. We have no predicted changes in the weather, so we are looking forward to some more challenging sailing as we head south towards the Whitsunday Islands.
Temperatures of about 22 Deg with great 15 knot south easterly breezes and continuing calm seas.
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