Captain's Log
Voyage 15/23
22 August 2023

Day 8 – Sea to Heron Island Anchorage

Oh Captain, My Captain

The first goal of the day is what we call Captain Setting and Furling. This drill entails the youth taking control and showing to the Captain how much each of the watches have learnt and how much information they have retained throughout the voyage so far. With an overall successful outcome, a good start to the day, what better way to celebrate than a nice hot breakfast.

With a well-earned breakfast consumed, morning briefing was soon to follow. During the morning  briefing Seb the navigator let us know that his mother and dog Macy are well and that mother nature had a cracking day in store for the crew! Seb (different to the Navigator)  the suitability sailor on board was tasked with distraction the youth for a time. He organised challenge for the watches to compete in. The challenged involved each watch gathering in a circle, hands entwined, with a life saving ring around two members hands to begin, with a simple premise, fastest to do a full revolution with the ring wins.

After anchoring on the West side of Heron island, both youth and staff crew were itching to go ashore. With snorkels in hand, one boat load at a time, within 30 minutes all crew had sand between their feet. After a quick lunch of the most amazingly juicy tasteful burgers, made fresh minutes prior, by the ships amazing Chef Cylvie, it was time to get in. We snorkelled surrounded by coral, tropical fish and were blessed with the presence of a sleeping turtle as well as a few stingrays burrowed into the sand. About 50 meters from the beach lies the wreck of HMCS (His Majesties Colonial Ship) Protector, a vessel used in both World War 1 and 2, finally layed to rest 70 years ago as a wave break for the beautiful Heron Island.

Apon arriving back at the Young Endeavour, we had to clean the used snorkelling gear we had used and scrub the deck clean off all the sand trodden aboard.

With command day upcoming Captain Mike sat with the youth crew and briefed us on what to expect from the day and roles needing to be voted on. With some deliberation and some democracy roles allocated, new watch groups were formed. Congratulations to the Youth elected for command day roles, Rory youth Captain, Giordan Sailmaster, Iz the Navigator, El Watch Officer and Lachie, Sophia and Andrew the new Watch Leaders, Sass, Cameron and Bry Chefs.

To finish the day strong, we watched a documentary about sailing around Cape Horn in a 8000 Tonne Sailing ship

-Rory and Ryda


23 26.4' South / 151 53.8' East


Weather: fine, Wind: Easterly at 11 knots, Temp: 22 deg. C, Sea: 0.25 m from East, Swell: Nil