Captain's Log
Voyage 13/22
22 November 2022

Day 8 – Command Day Elections

Ahoy there dear readers,

Day 8 found us sheltered in the lee of Wilsons Promontory, in the lovely Sealers Cove… again. Snuggly spot, but we’re still being peppered by gales. Today the ante was upped as the average wind speed measured 35-40 kts, gusting to 50 at times!

Yet the program continued with an early morning activity at 0630 then Colours and morning brief at 0800, which for the first time in a couple of days we managed to do from the bridge as there was a gap in the rain. Hands turned-to cleaning stations, then Youthie’s practiced some sail handling with their Watch Leaders. Command Day is tomorrow don’t you know, and everyone wants to perform at their best!

Speaking of the best, Jarod cooked up another banging buffet for lunch. Then Sumo swiped the siesta sleep out of everyone’s eyes with yet another round of Rope Races. Everyone knows the ship like their hands now, so it’s basically a competition of the fastest power walkers, as running is not allowed.

After that Matty and the Watch Leaders took the Youthies through Rotational Tacks, then I took them through Demonstrational Tacks. This is giving them an appreciation of what’s required in all positions, including from the bridge during Tacking Stations – Essential knowledge for tomorrow. After that it was time for Youth Crew to demonstrate their sail handling skills for myself and Sumo, to endorse them as safe and competent. And indeed everyone was safe and competent, a testament to their dedication and efforts to learn the ropes this past week.

Command Day brief was next and yours truly gave them the run down on what to expect and how things will go down tomorrow. In short we hand over keys to the ship, along with Navigation Instructions and the Command Day Task List at 1300 then go on holidays! Just kidding, we will of course be on hand to ensure Youth Crew are kept safe and on track, watching closely from the shadows… Dinner was delicious – No surprises there! Then Command Day elections took place and I have the honour to announce the following elected Youth Crew Command Day positions:

Captain – Felix Connelly
Sail Master – Claire
Navigators – Rish and Stephanie
Watch Officer – Emma
Watch Leaders – Armani, Hayden and Lachy
Chefs – Dayna, Clay, Ben and Hutchy.

Oh, and Flag Master – Woodsy (?)

Congratulations everyone, I’m sure you’ll serve your crew well.

Well, that’s another day done…. Staffie’s favourite movie was shown then the Youthie’s turned-to anchor watches. A big day is ahead as we commence Command Day, weigh anchor and make a dash into Port Phillip Bay.

Stay tuned tomorrow night and hear all about our continued adventures.

Yours Aye, Captain Adam Charlie Farley+



39 00 S / 146 26 E


Weather: Passing showers. Wind: WSW @ 35kts. Swell: Nil. Temp: 12.