Captain's Log
Voyage 11/23
11 July 2023

Day 8 – Ahoy Percy Islands!

Ahoy landlubbers and armchair sailors! I hope you’ve been enjoying the updates penned by our talented Youthies!

It was a very soggy start to Day 8 for our Youthies, but there’s no rest for a salty sea pup so we got stuck straight into Captain’s Setting and Furling. This is the last gateway prior to Command Day where Engineer Shaun and I assess each Watch on their competence and safety for sail handling. You’ll be pleased to hear, despite the pouring rain, everyone passed with flying colours!

As the skies began to dry up we came to anchor in West Bay at Middle Island in the Percy Island Group. A place so beautiful Captain Matthew Flinders once wrote that it was “one of the prettiest little places imaginable”.

A snappy Morning Brief and the snappiest of Happy Hours later, it was suddenly lunch time. Haydo and his Master Chefs Anthony, Ella and Grace served up yet another scrumptious meal to power our Youthies through their afternoon. The boat was soon in the water and ferrying everyone ashore for beach games, swims and a bit of exploring. As the afternoon wore on the stunning Queensland weather gave us it’s best with the rain clearing entirely and the wind dying to a whisper. It was a great afternoon to relax before the busy day ahead!

Back on board for a teak deck BBQ and then the part we’ve all been waiting for… Command Day Elections! The Youthies came together to conduct their own elections for the Command positions for tomorrow. I’m pleased to be able to announce they made the following selections: Captain – Trinity, Sail Master – Bri, Navigators – Cooper and Anthony, Watch Officer – Felix, Watch Leaders – Jesse, Grace and Ella, and Chefs – Emi, Brooklyn and Kit! Congratulations to everyone! I’m sure you will all serve your shipmates well through a successful Command Day!

Well it’s been an exciting day and it’s time for our Youthies to settle in for the night. I’m sure you’re as excited as me to see how they go tomorrow, so tune in tomorrow night for Command Day Part 1! Captain Libby+


21 38.7'S / 150 14.3'E


Windy and Partly Cloudy, Wind SE 15-20Kts, Swell SE 0.8m