Captain's Log
Voyage 10/23
23 June 2023

Day 4 – Back to Sea!

It’s Day 4 already, can you believe it! We remained at anchor overnight in Trial Bay and were greeted with a stunning sunrise over the Trial Bay Gaol. The Youthies wrote such a great Captain’s Log last night I might be out of a job! But I decided to hand the reins over again tonight anyway. Take it away Alex and Maggie!

Arrrrr, ahoy there, I like the cut of your jib! Wake up time started with the whip of a hand and the shake of a hip, doing the macarena on the deck, while Haydo made a beautifully scrumptious breakfast (as usual). All watches got VERY competitive when the flag races began, White Watch (the best watch) sadly lost but we WILL redeem ourselves when the time comes. Congrats to Blue team for showing us ­­the way to raise, identify, lower and roll a flag as fast as lightning. As our Youthie Master Chefs (Alex, Nick and Blake/”Chungus”) headed down below deck to help with lunch, the rest of the crew climbed up the foremast and hung over the yards while we untied the ropes (SCARY).

Anchor up and crew ready, we set sail again. Charlotte and Chucky taught us the way to navigate this massive ocean that we now call home, while Sail Master Tomo taught us all about the square sails. 2,6, heave and up those sails go. Ropies ended today with a hilarious bonus round, each watch had to sing and act out a rock song, we even had air guitars, singers, air drummers and dancers.

PAVLOVAAAA, the sparkle in everyone’s eyes shone like a chest of diamonds as Haydo put the pavlovas on the table. What a fantastic surprise for us little Youthies. With plenty of food in our tummies we head off for watches, card games and a good night sleep. Can’t wait for tomorrow. See ya then.

  • Brought to you by Alex, Maggie and Captain Libby!


30 27.9'S / 153 21.0'E


Partly cloudy, Wind W 15-20Kts, Swell SE 1-1.5m