Day 2 – We’re Off!

Ahoy there! Day 2 saw us rising with the sun and heading straight up on deck for some Early Morning Activity led by Sail Master Tomo. Not that we needed the extra motivation, but the frosty start to the day certainly had us keen to depart Newcastle and start heading north!
We warmed ourselves with a tasty breakfast cooked by Chef Haydo and got ready for the day.
First up, Morning Brief! Sail Master Tomo took us through the plan for the day, Navi-guru Chucky confirmed it was time to depart and turn left out of Newcastle, and we were introduced to “Chewing the fat with Matt”. Every morning Watch Officer Matty will share some of his extensive nautical knowledge and terminology so we can talk the talk as salty sea dogs.
With the Morning Brief done it was time to “Throw off the bow lines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in our sails” (Mark Twain). We said goodbye to Newcastle and headed out to sea ready to get stuck into some sail handling. After a safety and survival equipment brief from Matty we divided into our watches to practice sail setting and furling for the rest of the forenoon.
By lunch time it was starting to get a little lumpy and some of us were looking a little green. But after yet another delicious meal prepared by Haydo and our Master Chefs Maggie, Thea and Xavier, we weren’t going to let that stop us from enjoying our first round of Rope Races with Engineer Shaun.
We rounded out the afternoon with some more sail setting and furling practice before moving on to Tacking Stations. As the sun began to set, we found our tacking stations and learned what we had to do if we need to turn the ship through the wind whilst under sail.
Finally, it was time to head to dinner and settle in for the evening. Or was it? Tonight, we start our first night watches! We will be conducting 4 hour watches over night learning how to steer the ship at the helm, keep a safe lookout, conduct rounds and maybe even start to learn a bit of navigation.
That’s all for now friends! We’ve got a busy night ahead after an exciting day of sail handling. Stay Safe and we’ll catch you soon! Captain Libby+
Partly Cloudy, Wind SW 5-10Kts, Swell S 1.5m
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