Day 1 – Ahoy new shipmates!
Ahoy there new shipmates, landlubbers and armchair sailors, welcome to the Captain’s Log for Voyage 10/23!
It was a bright sunny Newcastle day for us to welcome on board the 24 Youth Crew joining for the voyage up to Brisbane, and of course their friends and family who came to say farewell. After stowing kit bags below deck and allowing for friends and family to have a look around, I welcomed everyone onboard and introduced myself and the very talented staff crew for this voyage…
Namely: Sail Master – Tomo. Navigator – Chucky. Watch Officer – Matty. Red Watch Leader – Sara. Assistant Red Watch Leader – Charlotte. White Watch Leader – Christine. Blue Watch Leader – Hutchy. Chef – Haydo. Engineers – Nev and Shaun. And last, but most certainly not least, Captain Adam ‘Charlie’ Farley going incognito in his Young Endeavour uniform!
After a string of terrible jokes I assured the crowd this merry band of salty sea-dogs will take extremely good care of our new shipmates… not yet sea-puppies.
After waving off our friends and family we opted to stay alongside this afternoon allowing Watch Leaders time to take charge for some ice breakers and ships tours. We then settled on deck for briefs from myself and Sail Master Tomo, including a few guidelines to ensure communal harmony, unconditional positive regard for all, and how to get the most out of the voyage.
As the sun went down and the temperature began to drop we retreated below for dinner. The choice between the salmon, chicken schnitzels and roast duck was very difficult and a few found themselves lucky enough to sample more than one. I can safely report they were all delicious!
After dinner we rugged up and braved the cold again so that the multi-talented Watch Leader and Medical Care Provider Christine could give a medical brief then we listened to Matty, our ships safety and survival equipment specialist, conduct the harness briefing. From there we laid aloft for first climbs, with all Youthies climbing up, up, up the foremast all the way to the Topgallant!
Finally it was time to warm up and pipe-down for the night, with Youthies and Staff needing to get some rest in preparation for a massive day tomorrow when we will depart Newcastle and head out to sea!
The adventure has begun… It’s been a great start to what will be a fantastic voyage! Good night and stay safe.
Captain Libby+
Quote: “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible… pretty soon you’re doing the impossible.” – St Francis of Assisi
Mostly Sunny, Wind SW 10-15Kts