Captain's Log
Voyage 08/23
19 April 2023

Day 9 – Command Day part 2 (Ahoy Sydney Harbour!)

A good Wednesday to everybody! Felisha here. I’m writing from the bridge, to the reminiscent strains of Moana from the nearby disco dance floor… ’nuff’ said. The wind has certainly been in our proverbial sails today, as we completed our “Command Day” passing the expectations of a few, and liberating the inner workhorses of all. We now sit at anchor in a peaceful Sydney Harbour, and will remain here tonight, giving all a good chance to catch up on much needed sleep after a challenging twenty-four hours. We accomplished everything on the task list given us, and were successful in all areas of expertise – sail handling, navigation, polishing the decks, and cooking exceptional food including three flavours of pancakes for breakfast this morning. We were given the double thumbs up from all members of the Staff Crew; so congratulations youth crew of VO8/23!

We handed back the ship to our real captain – Captain Adam Charley Farley – who gladly excepted back the ships’ keys and the ceremonial hat and telescope. The pool was then opened, after some safety briefs, and a demo from our ‘Nav’, and everyone had a chance to show off their moves on the rope swing, and giant lily pad. Lunch interrupted the fun, but was certainly not to be missed with a great variety of delicious food from our very own Cheffo, Ash. We then moved into some very worthwhile discussions on the take-away points of “Command Day”, coming away with a greater appreciation for each other, the importance of teamwork and communication, and possibly a greater respect for those in positions of leadership – all great skills and lessons to take with us as we re-enter our usual lives shortly.

After a brief time of relaxation, we enjoyed fresh bickies from Hoppy and Ash, and proceeded up the rat-lines to conduct harbour furls (packing the sails under UV protectant material in concertina folds, to both look presentable, and to protect it from sun damage). By the time we were finished with this project, the sun had set over the picturesque Sydney skyline, and Ash’s wonderful dinner was waiting.

After dinner, we rocked out to some of our favourite tunes sponsored by the staffies especially the untirable DJ Shaun, and the shuffle dance king of the night – Hutchy! There is no swell this evening, but the soundwaves certainly took their toll, as happy disco-goers have now retired to their racks to get some shut-eye before tomorrow. We send our love to family and friends, and look forward to recounting our epic tales once we’ve returned home.



33 50 S / 151 16 E


Weather: Fine. Wind: SW @ 5kts. Swell: Nil. Temp: 19.