Captain's Log
15 December 2024

Day 9 – Command Day part 2

Ahoy there friends and family from the STS Young Endeavour!

Day nine started with sea watches through the night on our journey to Sydney Harbour, which went smoothly despite the disappointing lack of wind. We had early morning wakeup at 0700 to the tune of “Barbie Girl” and the voice of elected sailmaster Liam. Breakfast was a tribute to the skill of our Youthie chefs with choc chip and banana pancakes and cookies, as well as danishes filled with jam. From there we had our morning brief, with three special renditions of Advance Australia Fair and special cameos from the Youthie command crew. We then rushed to set sails and complete happy hour to prepare for our trip into Port Jackson. Youthies created a mural at midships depicting our journey so far with many props from staff, and at eleven o’clock we dropped anchor at Manly Point. At 1120 the ship was handed back to the staff crew and command day was officially over, with a completely intact ship. After a delightful lunch of wraps of chicken and beef, we had our final rope races of the voyage, with Red Watch winning out in the end. Their reward is first pick on positions when we go aloft to sail into Sydney Harbour. We then debriefed our command day and presented our findings and discoveries from the day, discussing what we learned about leadership (and followership 😉 – Ed). Next it was time for all youthies to have a blast, finally going on the rope swing and jumping off the bowsprit, getting a splash of salt water to wash off the stress of command day. After a shower and drying off, dinner was served and then red watch indulged in a sunset climb on the foremast.

For the last serious note of the day, we had a brief on the Young Endeavour’s Community Day Sail on tomorrow and as we come into the final days of our voyage on this amazing ship.

Then more importantly our watches went head to head in a competitive and heated game of trivia, hosted by the one and only sail master Charlotte! Yet to know who won, stay tuned-in to see if we remember to add it in tomorrow.

We’re settling in to another night of anchor watches, and are all excited for the upcoming community day sail and the end of our voyage.

Farewell from day nine of Voyage 7A/24, written by Summer, Cody and Anthony.

Dear Mum, Dad and friends, hope you are all having a great time, and Happy Birthday Mum!! — Summer

Hey everyone at home, hope you are all having as much fun as I am — Cody

Wish everyone well back home — Anthony

Hey everyone, hope you’re all doing well (and had luck with the tree). Looking forward to seeing you guys again, with an hours long rant, I’m sure (If I can ever leave). — Jacinta

Hi Mum and Dad, can’t wait to see you both soon!! I’ve had, and am having the absolute time of my life and can’t wait to tell you all about it. Love you both lots — Alice.


33 48.6'S / 151 17.1'E


Weather: Clear. Wind: S at 5kts. Temp: 24.