Day 3 – Patonga stopover
This daily update is brought to you by Youth Crew members, Danny, Lumi and Om.
Overnight was quite windy and rough, and as is often the case, many members unfortunately were sea sick, or what we colloquially refer to as, “feeding the fish”. Unsurprisingly, very capable young crew members were able to push on through the treacherous terrain of night sailing, and continue the expedition onwards with full professionalism and responsibility.
Then there was a beautiful sunrise and much calmer weather, as we directed our sails towards the beautiful Broken Bay, with its many towering cliffs. Subsequently, after many nautical manoeuvres done by the crew, the vessel was anchored just off the coast of Patonga Beach. At this point, Sail Master, Tommo, called for a happy hour! And to boost the morale of the exhausted yet determined youth crew, he introduced an ever so charming happy hour song. After singing up a storm, youth crew ever so enthusiastically scrubbed the length and breadth of the entire vessel. Tommo then did his routine inspection of the cleaning work, declaring the ship satisfactory.
Thereafter lunch was served, and everyone enjoyed a burrito or some fish, as well as other varieties of fruit and veggie options. Shortly after that, the Young Endeavour Youth Crew had a siesta! Which was an hour of free time to unwind, chat, and catch up on necessary sleep.
Later on the crew lowered the boats into the water to ensure a safe departure from the ship to the shores of Patonga. Then with life jackets on, small groups mounted into the boats and off to shore to enjoy the 30-degree weather in the water. There was also opportunity to purchase food and drink from the cafe. Some jumped off the wharf and some hung out at the beach.
After a few hours on land, it was time to say goodbye to the ground, giving it a big kiss goodbye and back on board the vessel to continue the adventure! When everyone got back from the beach, we had dinner and then did an activity called “three way chats” which allowed the crew to learn more about each person individually.
Tonight is the first night we have watched out for an anchored ship! The Navigator taught us what we need to know, and we will be conducting anchor watches throughout the night to keep the ship and crew safe.
As we write this, nearing the end of the night, the crew notices that the ship is surrounded by Jellyfish! What a sight to behold.
Good night.
Danny, Lumi and Om.
Weather: Cloudy. Wind: Light and variable. Swell: Nil. Seas: Nil. Temp: 22.