Captain's Log
26 November 2024

Day 1 – Ahoy there Youth Crew


Ahoy there shipmates, landlubbers and armchair sailors, it was great to meet the Youth Crew of Voyage 06A/24 today alongside Sub Base Platypus, in North Sydney – Cammeraygal Country. Comprising 23 Aussie youth, from NSW, VIC, ACT, QLD and NT, they embarked at 1500 with friends and family in tow, who came to inspect the ship and the staff crew, and to farewell their loved ones for the next 10 days. I told them to rest assured, we would take very good care of their young sailors, as we have a very skilled and experienced staff crew for this voyage… Namely: Sail Master – Tommo. Assistant Sailmaster: Leups. Navigator – Matt. Watch Officers – Karsen and Charlotte. White Watch Leaders – Chris and Matty. Red Watch Leader – Sara. Blue Watch Leader – Bec. Chef – Steve. Engineers – Dan and Simon.

On completion of the welcome and crew introductions, we farewelled family and friends, and Watch Leaders kicked off the program with ice breakers and ships’ tours. Myself and Tommo then spoke to them about youth crew responsibilities and a few ‘guidelines’ to ensure communal harmony and unconditional positive regard for all. I spoke to them about what to expect over the next 10 days and ways to ensure maximum involvement in the program. Simply, to ‘have a go’ was the message.

After a lovely dinner by Steve, our resident safety and survival equipment specialist, Chris, demonstrated the safe operation and use of our climbing harnesses. He taught them all about: inspecting said harness, conducting buddy checks and the process for laying aloft. Then it was time, ladies and gents, for our young sea puppies to lay aloft for the very first time. And up the foremast they went, aiming for the topgallant yard, hand over fist, with grit and determination. Each and every one of them pushed themselves as far as they could, and I’m pleased to announce that most made it to the topgallant yard, but those that didn’t were extremely brave and went as far as they felt they could… and then a little further. I have to say, I’m very proud of all of them, especially those that had to really dig deep to climb as far as they did. Well done shipmates.

Each watch took turns at climbing and those on deck commenced their seamanship training, consisting of line handling and deck safety. Each watch also negotiated Full Value Contracts, articulating agreed collective and individual goals for the voyage, making a pact to support each other in achieving them.

Once all youth crew were back on deck, our wonderful young crew turned in for a well deserved nights rest. Intention is to remain alongside overnight, departing Sub Base Platypus in the morning. The adventure has begun… I wonder where we’ll be this time tomorrow night?

Captain Adam Charlie Farley – Out+


39.800598 / -76.987671


Weather: Mostly Sunny. Wind: 15-25 knots. Temp: 27