Captain's Log
Voyage 05/23
3 March 2023

Day 5 – Port Lincoln and the Investigator Trail

Day 5!! Starting off with a hectic night of watches on deck, heaving and furling the sails, we made it through rough waves which shook the bunks. We woke to a great morning and a gorgeous sunrise with the dulcet tones of a Thomas the Tank Engine remix (credit to Red Watch).

Gently sailing our way into Port Lincoln, Tommo ran us through the ROTR – the Rules of the Road for ships (with a delicious scone break, thankyou Ash!). After briefing we did happy hour (YIPPEEE) cleaning ship top to bottom once again. Round 4 of the Ropes Races saw a fairly hectic round of competitive apple bobbing (hope your heads are okay, Tilly, Andrew, Phoebe and Lewis).

For lunch we had some homemade subs/burgers which were AMAZING (thanks again Ash) before going ashore again, fighting crabs as we went. Emma took us geocaching around the Investigator Trail. The hike took a good two hours and the crew walked about seven and a half kilometres up to Lincoln National Park and Lighthouse, sharing jokes and stories along the way.

We came back aboard with no issues and set off in our watches to have a mid-voyage catch-up of our goals. Safe to say, progress has been made to figuring out our group goals and improving our sailing knowledge. Dinner was an incredible BBQ with steak and snags, salads and ice cream, with a cool juice box/popper.

We’re at anchor now, and watch groups have been set for the night, we’re all very excited to see what comes with a game of Uno and fun chats.

Written by Jackson, Alex, Lewis

Shoutout – To the folks, hope all is well – Lewis
Shoutout – Hey fam I’m having fun at sea, miss you love you lots. Hug the dogs for me – Alexxxxxx
Joke? – A fish was swimming and hit a wall “Dam.” – Jackson


34 44 S / 135 58 E


Weather: Lovely. Wind: SE @ 5-10kts. Swell: Nil. Temp: 18.