Captain's Log
Voyage 05/23
1 March 2023

Day 3 – Shell Beach Shore Visit

Greetings readers! It’s Day 3 of our voyage and we cannot believe how fast it’s going.

We started the morning off with White Watch taking over the helm at 0001, we furled in the forestaysail, mainsail and jib and we also set the topgallant and topsail square sails. Weather was not pleasant as it was cold and rainy in the early hours of the morning. After finishing the watch we began by following our morning routine and then had our morning brief.

We then reached the Yorke Peninsular and set anchor at 1000 in a lovely bay near Shell Beach. Thereafter, we had a healthy hearty meal, played some fun games and we all went on deck and climbed the mast, working in teams to tie up the topgallant and topsail. From up high we had a wonderful view of the land and sea. It was amazing, we took a lot of photos!

Then we played a game called Rope Races where we had to find various parts of the ship at random, before we were briefed on our mission to learn about each other (called the three-way chats) after that activity we then set out for the beach on a small seaboat.

Once there we broke up into groups and played activities like beach volleyball, snorkelling and swimming. Giving our motion sick crew mates a chance to recover, getting them back into the adventure. After our exploration we headed back to the ship at 1715 and we all arrived back safe and sound. Once we got back on the ship we had some free time and had dinner.

We finished up the three-way mission by giving speeches and by impersonating one of our partners, we learnt so much more about each other and also had a laugh. We finished off the day by learning from the head navigator, Trevor on how anchor watches work! Youth crew will now do anchor watches and keep the ship safe until morning.

Until then, see you at the next log!

by youthies Sam, Garry and Zahra.


Shoutout from Zahra – I love you very much mum and can’t wait to tell you about it!

Shoutout from Garry – Miss everyone that’s back in Melbourne especially my parents <3


