Captain's Log
Voyage 04/23
21 February 2023

Day 9 – Command day (part 1)

Command day started with the type of challenge we like… Underway with a hot handover, as we had remained at sea overnight due to gale force winds in the Gulf St Vincent, denying us a safe anchorage. After the official ceremony of handing over the keys of this fine vessel and the staff retreating into holiday mode (not really), we could finally dub the tall ship, Noah’s Arc (After YC Captain Noah).

Grace, Dan and Jack put on a spectacular lunch fit for kings and queens. We were fuelled and ready to go for the long day ahead.

After an educational tacking experience we proceeded to set sail into the high seas making great progress on our navigational waypoints – achieving three out of four waypoints by 9pm. After an amazing cake provided by Grace we proceed to up end the dinner table to make ground on our non-navigational objectives. A mural displaying the highlights of our journey was painted on the midships, knots were learnt and shown off, poems written, sea shanties inscribed and jokes shared.

Shoutout – I am realising this amazing journey is coming closer to an end and am look forward to sharing my experience and stories. I hope they will be good enough to convince the school it was worthwhile me taking two weeks off, because I sure know it was for me – Lachlan

Shoutout – Will, you should do this!

Shoutout – Ahoy Uncle John, this voyage has truly been incredible. I look forward to telling you all about it and impressing you with all the sailing knowledge I have learnt – Hannah

Shoutout – Ahoy there, I’d like to say I like the cut of your jib but I cannot see you. I’d like to reassure my family and friends that we have successfully navigated to South Australia. I look forward to sharing tales of our adventure when I see everyone again. Love you Mum and Dad – Ethal

Shoutout – As we approach the half way point of our command day, I am very proud to say the sailing and completion of our set tasks has been going very well thanks to an awesome effort by all the youth crew aboard. We are looking well on track to achieving our goals. It’s been a joy and honour to captain such an awesome group of people – Noah


