Day 4 – Rules of the Road and Ropies
Ahoy ya land lubbers and Arm chair Sailors!
On tonight’s log duties you have the awesome Simon and Ashlee from Red Watch (the best watch) on V04/23.
Overnight, all watches continued to complete their nightly duties with the Blueys lucky enough to see to see the Southern Lights, which was pretty spectacular.
After a surprise wake up from the White Watch with a remix of Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, some of the crew managed to haul themselves out of bed for brekky, cooked up by the one and only Haydo. Once those who ate brekky were finished, we all met on the bridge at 0900 for the morning brief which featured some important notices from Dion, the daily inspirational quote from the Captain himself, the Nav update from Evan and Trev, and last but not least, Chats with Chucky and Talks with Tomo where we heard about Port Arthur and some of the convicts great escape attempts.
With everyone now awake and responsive, it was then time to set some sails. With them and the engine, we managed to reach an impressive top speed of 11.5 knots!
Before we could head to Lunch which was now on the table, we had to do our daily happy hour. Once complete, a few brave souls ventured below for another scrumptious meal. We have to say as each meal goes by the number of Youthies is ever so slightly increasing which is awesome to see some of the salty sea puppies slowly gaining their sea legs.
While we had some downtime, some of the crew had to climb aloft after one of the gaskets came loose on the course yard.
Now comes the most exciting part of the day; round 2 of Ropies, the most non-competitive/ competitive game onboard the ship! Red Watch started off strong, with the Blueys following behind with some points from the bonus round.
Following round 2 of Ropies we had a lesson with Chucky and Tommo on the Rules of the Road (would make more sense if it was sea). We have to say this lesson was quite informative and will go towards our bank of knowledge for the upcoming Command Day!
Once again, only the brave souls ventured below for another fulfilling meal by Haydo, in which by this point the numbers had improved significantly from lunch earlier on!
As we settle into watches for the night, Red Watch were lucky enough to enjoy a spectacular sunset on the Bow Sprit even managing to spot a whale and plenty of Albatrosses.
We hope to be reaching anchorage late tomorrow evening, early Saturday morning which will be a relief after being at sea for more than 3 days especially to those who have not yet developed their sea legs!
Anyways that’s enough from us for tonight!
Shoutout to the My Man’s fam, Cadets and Quornies! Havin’ a jolly ol’ time here! Managed to get a few good pics AND keep my hat! Absolute win! See you soong – Simon
Shoutout to Dad – I’m somehow still alive and missing you heaps but this is bloody awesome now that I have my sea legs and the food is AMAZING so dunno if I really want to come home 😉 Love ya and see you in just over a week – Ash!
Conditions: Weather: Fine. Wind: NNE @ 20kts. Swell: W @ 1.5m. Temp: 18.