Day 4 – At Seal Rocks
Ahoy there friends and family,
Today was another smashing day for us youthies as we sailed our way into Seals Rocks to anchor and go ashore for the first time in our voyage! Allowing all us sea-sick stricken sailors to finally appreciate the prickly hug of a tree (the staffies’ recommended cure for sea sickness).
The morning began with Blue Watch (Bubbly Buccaneers!) furling all sails and going aloft to secure the topgallant and course square sails (allowing us to close in on the beach), with a beautiful sunrise starting the day before a full blown rain storm. 0700 wake up call was marked by a parody song ‘Wake me up before you go go, because we’re not planning on sailing solo’ (capped off with Liv’s fantastic recorder solo)
Later, we gathered our life jackets and launched in watch groups towards the beach, enjoying coffees, ice-creams and lollies sold by the local stores. Us youthies were privileged enough to chuck on the fins and face mask and go out for a swim, spying schools of fish, turtles, various rays and even a Wobbegong shark.
Games of rugby and volleyball were played between the Staffies and Youthies amongst the waves, with a local dog joining in on the fun for much of the afternoon. Sara also had a chance to introduce her favourite team game ‘Not I, Sir!, which had all our voices joyfully straining by the end of it.
A deck side barbie was whipped out for a great dinner of steaks, salads, snags and even a few cheese platters (how good is Ash!!). Tonight we prepare to keep an anchor watch in watch groups of three youthies.
Safe to say that the Young Endeavour shall remain secure and safe and sound tonight under our watch! (Especially Blueys!)
Until next time, Stay groovy sailors,
Matthew B and Liv
P.S. A few messages from our sailors at sea:
Sam – G’day Matty in Nyngan, and hi to the Milligan crew!
Cohen – up the boys in Tamworth
Jasper – Best of luck and stay strong in boarding school Rosie!
Liv – A shout out to Alex and Ryan, missing you and your dogs! And lots of love to mum, April and Tom.
Leticia – Hey fambam, I am having a blast meeting heaps of new people and I’ve finally got my sea legs. Sending lots of love (arms not crossed) P.S. sorry for the weird voicemails Mum XX
Weather: overcast with occasional showers, Wind: ENE at 11 Knots, Swell: NE at 0.25 m, Temp: 22 deg. C