Day 1 – Ahoy new shipmates
Hi Everyone,
It’s Captain Gav making a guest appearance back on board Young Endeavour for her third voyage of the year. This voyage will see us sail from Hobart to Hobart which will give us 10 day’s to explore some of Tasmania’s spectacular coastline and be challenged by some unpredictable weather conditions which is all part of the adventure. We have put together another great Staff Crew for this voyage who I know will take great care of our new Youth Crew ensuring that they all have an amazing experience.
The Young Endeavour Staff Crew for this voyage are as follows:
Captain – Gav
Sail Masters – Chucky & Libby
Navigator – Seb
Watch Officer – Matt
Blue Watch Leader – Shaun & Hutchy
White Watch Leader – Theresa
Red Watch Leader – Evan & Emily
Chef – Haydo
Engineer –Hoppy
The voyage commenced at 1500 today when the new Youth Crew joined Young Endeavour berthed alongside Hobarts Princess Wharf. Once we had everyone on board and gear stowed, we mustered on deck for my welcome address followed by Staff Crew introductions. On completion we farewelled a large gathering of family and friends then got straight into a safety brief.
Our departure was then slightly delayed due to having to wait for a large cruise liner to depart her berth but at 1640 we cast off lines and departed Princess Wharf. Once safely out in Sullivan’s Cove we were joined by the SV Rhona H who escorted us out into the Derwent River then we commenced our 3hr pilotage down the River and into the D’Entrecasteaux Channel coming safely to anchor at Bruny Islands picturesque Quarantine Bay at 1940.
During this pilotage the Youth Crew were given ship’s tours and enjoyed a fantastic dinner consisting of Chicken Kiev, Grilled Salmon, Pasta Bake with numerous Vegetables and Fresh Fruit and Mini Pavlova’s for desert (what a feast). Once safely at anchor I completed my Captain’s Brief and then handed our new young mariners over to their respective Watch Leaders to undertake some other first day activities before they turn in for a well-deserved good night’s sleep.
Before I finish I would like to send a big thank you to Chucky’s Mum & Dad for providing home grown blueberry’s and strawberry’s for tonight’s dinner which were used on our mini pavlova’s and fruit platter and were simply amazing!
Tomorrow will be another full day with climbs of the foremast planned for the morning before we weigh anchor and continue our Tasmanian adventure.
Until tomorrow, take care.
Yours aye,
Captain Gav
Currently at anchor in Quarantine Bay and experiencing light 4-8kt SE winds with nil swell and the temperature is 17 degrees.