Captain's Log
V03/25, Eden to Melbourne
28 January 2025

Day 2 – Victualled and Free

The ship was woken at 0630 with a wakey wakey song to start the day. All Youth and Ship’s Crew piled onto the upper decks and limbered up with an Early Morning Activity (EMA). We then rolled through a morning brief introducing the Navigator for a summary of where we are and where we are hoping to get to! Followed by the Saltiest of Salty Tales and a quick chat from the Captain. Then it was into the happiest hour of the day – Happy Hour – which leaves the ship nice and clean.

Then it was onto Sail Master and Captain chats. We ran through some ground rules for life onboard, a summary of our planned voyage ahead and answered a lot of insightful questions.

We were waiting, waiting, waiting for stores to arrive – they finally turned up just after lunch and we quickly and efficiently stored ship as we were in a race against time to beat the rapids of the Rip – we had to push through there during the slack water window or we risked a night at anchor inside Port Phillip Bay. With the freezers full and the fresh food fully victualled we slipped lines and left Geelong in our wake around 1530. The Navigator used all his wiles and we managed to catch the start of the flood tide which is favourable for exiting this treacherous bit of water.

Our Youth Crew will remain in Sea Watches overnight. They have been working through deck safety and setting and furling sails. This will continue during the silent hours and tomorrow we will get into tacking stations.

The ship remains on track to achieve a sensational voyage with weather favourable for a crossing of Bass Strait. We like a bit of wind and we like a bit of sea. Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor!

Tomorrow night I am going to invite two members of the Youth Crew to take over this journal and share the adventure from their perspective. So sit back and enjoy the journey.

We will be surging across the deep blue overnight closed hauled with some sea on our beam. The ship loves these conditions and so do we.

Captain Leups Out+





38 05.1S / 144 40.9E


Weather: Overcast Wind: 20kn SW Temp: 21C