Captain's Log
V02/22 Geelong to Adelaide
6 February 2022

Day 6 – Kangaroo Is.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, as I write this were are sailing north from our anchorage at Eastern Cove, Kangaroo Island with a plan to remain at sea overnight. Final preparations are being made setting the Youth Crew up, as best we can, for their Command Day (day 8/9).


We need to do a couple of activities overnight and a couple more tomorrow, prior to anchoring tomorrow afternoon. Here’s Emma, Abbey and Katie with tonights log. Enjoy.


Captain Adam “Charlie” Farley+



Ahoy there readers!

It was another glorious nausea free night we were greeted by a rather warm and sunny day. After a short brief and a dance party with Nanna, the Greenies flushed the Goldfish in a high stakes game of Rope-ies (GO GREENIES!).


After the ‘happiest hour’ of the day…. Cleaning …we furthered our knowledge of meteorology with a brief from our favourite Nav, Kyle.


After all that brainwork Jenko rewarded our bodies with a schnitty and stir-fried lunch before anchoring at a cove on the North East side of Kangaroo Island with intentions for a fun beach afternoon. Activities included: snorkelling, sunbathing and diving for razor fish and scallops (that would later be fried for a feast).


The fun and leisurely vibes were then moved to the ship where the crew set up a long rope swing off the “course yard”. Everyone enjoyed the Tarzan experience with some showing off their impressive backflips and bellyflops.


Photos and videos were a must for this perfect afternoon. It got even better as we had a BBQ and feasted on the freshly caught shellfish, relaxing on the deck.


We are soon to pull up the anchor and set the sails with eager excitement as we journey close to the end of our voyage.


Today’s broadcast was brought to you by youthie pirates Emma, Abbey and Katie.


35 39 S / 137 52 E


Weather: Fine. Wind: 100 @ 15-20. Swell: Nil. Temp: 14.